I have been sewing since I was 12 years old and got very interested in quilting when I was 16. I completed my first quilt at 19 years old and was awarded fourth place at the Festival De Voyageur. I am the fourth generation of quilters. When I started there was a need for warm blankets but now it has become a fun and craft and I hope that our next generation will carry the tradition forward.
Quilting is becoming more popular in Canada. You can find a quilter in just about any corner of Manitoba and the rest of Canada. The love of using this medium (fabric) has become quite the rage. It is growing into fiber art and dimensional work. Look around you, museums, craft stores, book stores, street graffiti, cement streets, walls, gates, there is no telling where your next inspiration may come from.
Call us and make your next appointment, we can get your quilt done so you can start your next one.